Friday, October 10, 2008

Select your direction

Your destination depends not on where you are but on which way you go. Your result depends not on what has happened, and not on what you have, but on what you do with it all.

From here, you can go anywhere. There are pathways leading in every direction

What matters now is which of those pathways you choose. What matters now is the next step you take.

Give yourself permission to decide what you truly desire for your life and for your world. And know that there is a way , right now, to begin creating it.

When your thoughts and actions have a clear, specific purpose, each moment will carry you closer to the fulfillment of that purpose. When you move consistently in a chosen direction, you cant help but reach the destination you choose.

Lovingly, thoughtfully and carefully select your direction today. You are always moving towards something consciously or unconsciously, so make that something exactly what you wish.

Never leave your life direction to chance.

The greatest thing in this world is not so much where we are, but which direction we are going.

In life, its so good to be on the flying mode, but if you cant fly then run. If you can’t run, then walk. If you now can’t walk, then crawl.

Worst case, make progress.

God bless

What are you doing now?

Yes, I ask, what are you doing now in preparation for the future? Most of us if not all desires a great future. Wants to be rich, wealthy, healthy, influential, comfortable, financially independent, the list is endless.

One truth stand out, wishes are not enough to experience these beauties of life. No one ever achieved these things without earning them. Earning is the word I choose to use. Earning is a product of work done.

What work are you doing today to enjoy these beauties in the nearest future? We leave most of the things in our lives to chance, one day one day I hope I will be this and that. Wake up friends, it will never happen. Smell a coffee, shine your eyes.

Recession, recession, every where. Bail out plans everywhere. I wont be surprised if some erudite start delivering lectures on how to have a successful bail out , just like those years of mergers and acquisition.

What am I driving at, take your destiny in your hands.Contrary winds will always blow in this life of ours. If you know where you are going, all you need do is alter your sail to favour your destination. But what of if you don’t even know where you’re going, then you will need a BAIL OUT.

This is my bail out plan. Plan ahead, anticipate untoward circumstances, they will surely come and I can bet 99%, it will be unannounced.

Noah built the ark before the flood waters came. Are you building your ark now before the flood waters come? Your financial ark, health ark, relationship ark, integrity ark, intellectual ark, academic ark etc.

If a man takes no thought of the distant future, he will soon find sorrow very near. We have got only one life, and this is it.

Yesterday is a TOMB, Tomorrow is a WOMB, and today is reality. You’ve got influence over today.

Five years from now, I congratulate you in advance for what you would have been responsible for—the outcomes of you life.