Some weeks ago, I did a post what-are-you-doing-now and I hope it has to some extent moved you nearer your destination.
Today, I am asking anothe question"Where are you going"?Yes, both are needed and essential in out success journey in life.Enjoy
“One ship drives east, another ship drives west,
With the self same winds that blow
It is the set of sails , and not the gales(wind, strong winds)
Which tells us the way they go?
Like waves of the sea are the ways of fate
As we voyage through life
It is the set of the soul which decides its goals
And not the calm or the strife”
Which direction are you going in life?
While some have clues, too bad majority are clueless
A life without direction is like a ship which sails by every wind, it will never come to the harbor.
The mathematics of life states, life is a straight line, your past leads you to your present and your present into you future
Where is your present leading you?
Mind you, it’s not the calmness of the sea or the roughness that determines where a ship goes. Great sailors use the calm and storm to direct their ship to the intended destination
So what happens to a sailor that knows not where he is going
Will you board a ship that has no rudder (steering), not destination, I am sure not.
Are you not in command of something more delicate, more precious than any ship—your life, your own mind?
Success or failure, I AM RESPONSIBLE.
Remember Senator Barack Obama.If his life graph were to be plotted 47 years ago buy the best mathematician then, I am sure it will be not be reading The President of the United states today.
I am not saying untoward circumstances will not come, in fact its unrealistic to believe things will always be smooth. But Persistence will always wear out Resistance.
Persevere in the direction of your life aspiration, The greatest thing in life is not so much where we are , but in which direction are we moving. He who does not look ahead remains behind.
Friends, lift your eyes and you will surely see the stars.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Welcome to another beautiful day, a week is running to an end, another October is almost over and the year .One of the very vital part of our living, the determining factor whethere we succeed or fail is our decision making process.Most of life hangs on the balance CHOICES
What choices are you making today?
Today is a product of yesterday’s choice, Tomorrow will be aproduct of your choices today.Just as yesterday led to today, Today will lead to your tomorrow.
Take a look at your life, a standing ovation for the choices you’ve made in the past.Yesterday is a TOMB, tomorrow is a WOMB, Today is the only moment we’ve got influence over via our choices.
If presented with the choice, would you choose to be healthy, wealthy, secure in your relationships, happy and fulfilled, or would you choose a life filled with illness, poverty and despair? That's an easy decision. Anyone would choose the first alternative without even thinking about it.
In fact, you do have that choice. It isn't usually presented to you in such a momentous way, and it never comes as a single choice.
Rather, the quality and direction of your life depend upon the many, many choices you make, moment after moment, day after day, which build on one another to fashion the reality of your world.
The little choices you make, the ones that seem not to matter much, soon add up to produce big results. They directly affect the life you live. Over the course of every day, you're presented with an overwhelming number of choices.
As you make these choices, keep yourself clearly focused on where you want your life to go. Make the appropriate choices, one by one, day after day, and you will be headed powerfully in the direction of your own choosing.
Remain On Top
What choices are you making today?
Today is a product of yesterday’s choice, Tomorrow will be aproduct of your choices today.Just as yesterday led to today, Today will lead to your tomorrow.
Take a look at your life, a standing ovation for the choices you’ve made in the past.Yesterday is a TOMB, tomorrow is a WOMB, Today is the only moment we’ve got influence over via our choices.
If presented with the choice, would you choose to be healthy, wealthy, secure in your relationships, happy and fulfilled, or would you choose a life filled with illness, poverty and despair? That's an easy decision. Anyone would choose the first alternative without even thinking about it.
In fact, you do have that choice. It isn't usually presented to you in such a momentous way, and it never comes as a single choice.
Rather, the quality and direction of your life depend upon the many, many choices you make, moment after moment, day after day, which build on one another to fashion the reality of your world.
The little choices you make, the ones that seem not to matter much, soon add up to produce big results. They directly affect the life you live. Over the course of every day, you're presented with an overwhelming number of choices.
As you make these choices, keep yourself clearly focused on where you want your life to go. Make the appropriate choices, one by one, day after day, and you will be headed powerfully in the direction of your own choosing.
Remain On Top
Monday, October 27, 2008
What’s inside of you
Good morning friends, it’s another week of possibilities and achievements.
Quite some time, Ive been rather engaged with so much work could not do any post for some days now.Anyway, its a new week, something must come out today to help your life.You must be a better person this week, your decision must be more accurate and the resultant effect must bring joy and fulfilment to you.
Whats inside of you
It could be a defining week, a defining moment for you.
Fate is said to determine who your parents are, the rest is left you. You can’t decide who your parents are but all other things depend on you. After all you’re responsible for that course you read in school, you’re in oceanic bank by choice.
I read this piece some evenings ago and I feel it should spur us to reflect and make the most of the present.
“On the streets of New York city, there was a balloon salesman. He was a very good sales man. When the balloon business went down a bit, he would let one of his red balloons go up and this would attract the attention of people in the vicinity .In few minutes the sales will increase and business picked up.
Then a little later when it slowed down again, he will let a blue balloon go up and the same results followed(increased sales).In a few minutes he let go a yellow balloon go up and the same thing happened.
However, a black African boy walked up to him and said” Sir, if you let one of those black balloons go, would it go up? With wisdom the salesman answered the boy, he said “son, its what’s inside these balloon that makes them go up, not their colour.'
So it is with us—its what’s inside of us that determines whether we stand still or whether we rise life. Not the colour of your skin, but the content of your character.
My rising in life is a function of…… i.e. rise in life=f(x,y,x,p…)
X= attitude
The quality of these factors inside of us determines how high we can fly in this life.
It’s left to you.
Make the most o your life today with whats inside of you
Take charge
Quite some time, Ive been rather engaged with so much work could not do any post for some days now.Anyway, its a new week, something must come out today to help your life.You must be a better person this week, your decision must be more accurate and the resultant effect must bring joy and fulfilment to you.
Whats inside of you
It could be a defining week, a defining moment for you.
Fate is said to determine who your parents are, the rest is left you. You can’t decide who your parents are but all other things depend on you. After all you’re responsible for that course you read in school, you’re in oceanic bank by choice.
I read this piece some evenings ago and I feel it should spur us to reflect and make the most of the present.
“On the streets of New York city, there was a balloon salesman. He was a very good sales man. When the balloon business went down a bit, he would let one of his red balloons go up and this would attract the attention of people in the vicinity .In few minutes the sales will increase and business picked up.
Then a little later when it slowed down again, he will let a blue balloon go up and the same results followed(increased sales).In a few minutes he let go a yellow balloon go up and the same thing happened.
However, a black African boy walked up to him and said” Sir, if you let one of those black balloons go, would it go up? With wisdom the salesman answered the boy, he said “son, its what’s inside these balloon that makes them go up, not their colour.'
So it is with us—its what’s inside of us that determines whether we stand still or whether we rise life. Not the colour of your skin, but the content of your character.
My rising in life is a function of…… i.e. rise in life=f(x,y,x,p…)
X= attitude
The quality of these factors inside of us determines how high we can fly in this life.
It’s left to you.
Make the most o your life today with whats inside of you
Take charge
Friday, October 17, 2008
My thoughts on the United states(2)
In my earlier post, I did promise to place on this site words from some great American presidents and citizens.
Consider their sayings and reflect, compare with todays United states.Just imagine what was on their mind.
“Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim tribute to patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness—these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens. . . . reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principles.”– George Washington
“God who gave us life gave us liberty. Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are the gift of God? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, that His justice cannot sleep forever.”–Thomas Jefferson
“[I]t is religion and morality alone which can establish the principles upon which freedom can securely stand. The only foundation of a free constitution is pure virtue, and if this cannot be inspired into our People in a greater Measure, than they have it now, they may change their Rulers and the forms of Government, but they will not obtain a lasting liberty.”– John Adams
“...The longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth, that God governs in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without his aid? We have been assured, Sir, in the Sacred Writings, that ‘except the Lord build the House, they labor in vain that build it.’ ”– Benjamin Franklin
“Were my soul trembling on the wing of eternity, were this hand freezing to death, were my voice choking with the last struggle, I would still, with the last gasp of that voice, implore you to remember the truth: God has given America to be free.”– Patrick Henry
“And whereas it is the duty of nations as well as of men, to own their dependence upon the overruling power of God, to confess their sins and transgressions, in humble sorrow, yet with assured hope that genuine repentance will lead to mercy and pardon; and to recognize the sublime truth, announced in the Holy Scriptures and proven by all history, that those nations only are blessed whose God is the Lord.”– Abraham Lincoln
“Let us look forward to the time when we can take the flag of our country and nail it below the Cross, and there let it wave as it waved in the olden times, and let us gather around it and inscribed for our motto: ‘Liberty and Union, one and inseparable, now and forever,’ and exclaim, ‘Christ first, our country next!’ ”– Andrew Johnson
“We cannot read the history of our rise and development as a nation, without reckoning with the place the Bible has occupied in shaping the advances of the Republic. Where we have been the truest and most consistent in obeying its precepts, we have attained the greatest measure of contentment and prosperity.”– Franklin Roosevelt
“Without God, there is no virtue, because there’s no prompting of the conscience. Without God, we’re mired in the material, that flat world that tells us only what the senses perceive. Without God, there is a coarsening of the society. And without God, democracy will not and cannot long endure. If we ever forget that we’re one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under.”– Ronald Reagan
Consider their sayings and reflect, compare with todays United states.Just imagine what was on their mind.
“Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim tribute to patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness—these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens. . . . reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principles.”– George Washington
“God who gave us life gave us liberty. Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are the gift of God? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, that His justice cannot sleep forever.”–Thomas Jefferson
“[I]t is religion and morality alone which can establish the principles upon which freedom can securely stand. The only foundation of a free constitution is pure virtue, and if this cannot be inspired into our People in a greater Measure, than they have it now, they may change their Rulers and the forms of Government, but they will not obtain a lasting liberty.”– John Adams
“...The longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth, that God governs in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without his aid? We have been assured, Sir, in the Sacred Writings, that ‘except the Lord build the House, they labor in vain that build it.’ ”– Benjamin Franklin
“Were my soul trembling on the wing of eternity, were this hand freezing to death, were my voice choking with the last struggle, I would still, with the last gasp of that voice, implore you to remember the truth: God has given America to be free.”– Patrick Henry
“And whereas it is the duty of nations as well as of men, to own their dependence upon the overruling power of God, to confess their sins and transgressions, in humble sorrow, yet with assured hope that genuine repentance will lead to mercy and pardon; and to recognize the sublime truth, announced in the Holy Scriptures and proven by all history, that those nations only are blessed whose God is the Lord.”– Abraham Lincoln
“Let us look forward to the time when we can take the flag of our country and nail it below the Cross, and there let it wave as it waved in the olden times, and let us gather around it and inscribed for our motto: ‘Liberty and Union, one and inseparable, now and forever,’ and exclaim, ‘Christ first, our country next!’ ”– Andrew Johnson
“We cannot read the history of our rise and development as a nation, without reckoning with the place the Bible has occupied in shaping the advances of the Republic. Where we have been the truest and most consistent in obeying its precepts, we have attained the greatest measure of contentment and prosperity.”– Franklin Roosevelt
“Without God, there is no virtue, because there’s no prompting of the conscience. Without God, we’re mired in the material, that flat world that tells us only what the senses perceive. Without God, there is a coarsening of the society. And without God, democracy will not and cannot long endure. If we ever forget that we’re one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under.”– Ronald Reagan
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Morning to you friends
Just gettting to work, its another wednesday morning.Thinking on how I can be of positive use to someone today.How can someone be better today, How can people achieve their aims and objectives.Surely, there are no all in all ways to do that.
Started checking up thoughts that i have written down, thoughts that have influenced my life positively and eureka, I found it.Focus.Enjoy
The power of a laser beam is in its focus, the human mind has been created to succeed the most in ventures that attracts our focus.
One of the major reasons for failure in any venture is broken focus.
No one is ever lost on a straight road (imagine).
The influence of anything in your life is determined primarily by the amount of focus you give to it. Your focus can make things bigger or smaller, depending on its direction and intensity.
Have you ever been so totally engrossed by some little things that you completely forgot about everything else for a moment? It can indeed be startling when you experience the raw power of your own focus.
And you can choose at any time to put that power to use. By directing your focus, you can positively affect every corner of your life.
What things would you like to make more abundant in your world? Focus the energy of your thoughts on them and they will grow.
After all, the thoughts in your life are much more important than the things in your life.
Have you been disappointed, slighted, frustrated, angered or insulted? Point your focus toward the positive, fulfilling possibilities and you'll quickly put the negativity behind you.
Focus can get you moving forward with a powerful, nearly unstoppable momentum. Focus on the world you would most like to see, and with the power of focus you will make it appear.
So what do you desire most in this season of your life? Focus on its reality and sooner than you expect you will experience the reality.
Even Jesus said, IF YOUR EYES ARE SINGLE(Focused), your whole life will be full of light.
Just gettting to work, its another wednesday morning.Thinking on how I can be of positive use to someone today.How can someone be better today, How can people achieve their aims and objectives.Surely, there are no all in all ways to do that.
Started checking up thoughts that i have written down, thoughts that have influenced my life positively and eureka, I found it.Focus.Enjoy
The power of a laser beam is in its focus, the human mind has been created to succeed the most in ventures that attracts our focus.
One of the major reasons for failure in any venture is broken focus.
No one is ever lost on a straight road (imagine).
The influence of anything in your life is determined primarily by the amount of focus you give to it. Your focus can make things bigger or smaller, depending on its direction and intensity.
Have you ever been so totally engrossed by some little things that you completely forgot about everything else for a moment? It can indeed be startling when you experience the raw power of your own focus.
And you can choose at any time to put that power to use. By directing your focus, you can positively affect every corner of your life.
What things would you like to make more abundant in your world? Focus the energy of your thoughts on them and they will grow.
After all, the thoughts in your life are much more important than the things in your life.
Have you been disappointed, slighted, frustrated, angered or insulted? Point your focus toward the positive, fulfilling possibilities and you'll quickly put the negativity behind you.
Focus can get you moving forward with a powerful, nearly unstoppable momentum. Focus on the world you would most like to see, and with the power of focus you will make it appear.
So what do you desire most in this season of your life? Focus on its reality and sooner than you expect you will experience the reality.
Even Jesus said, IF YOUR EYES ARE SINGLE(Focused), your whole life will be full of light.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
My thoughts on the United states

The United states of America.
Without doubt the greatest nation on earth today.Honestly speaking, I love the United states,not because of visa lottery:), but because the american nation have to a great extent not abused power.Imagine Adolf Hitler with the atomic bomb during world war 2.
America, the land of the free, founded on the premise of Equality under the law.God bless America.A nation that will always be behind Isreal -God's people.No wonder the nation had seen so much prosperity.Enviable fore fathers, John Adam, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln,Thmas Jefferson, Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
They all laid a solid foundation for the united states, more importantly to always follow God's law if prosperity is to endure.
But what have we seen today, a totally different United states.
I have heard it that prayers are no longer allowed in schools.Well i really dont know the extent until sunday evening while watching Inspiration TV.I was shocked.
A lady giving a speech on her graduation day, as soon as she mentioned the name Jesus, the microfone was turned off and she was asked to step aside.Dont mention that name here.UNITED STATE OF AMERICA, GOD'S OWN COUNTRY.
Issues every where, legalizing or not Abortion, Homosexuality, broken family values, pornography etc.Is this the United states, that my dad went in 1975 and I have read a lot about.
The United states is at a crossroad, a defining moment now, the elections are around the corner.
But I stop to ask, is Mc Cain the answer, oh maybe Barack Obama both who I respect.
I feel the present econimic failure in the US is more spiritual than physical.God has been warning america for years now-Return to God America
9/11 did not wake the people up, hurricane katrina, Ike, gustav, fires of california etc.
I hope the american people can read the handwrittings on the wall.Well, it can be said the Middle east nations hate the US.I agree.But does not the Bible say 'IF A MAN'S WAY PLEASE GOD, HE WILL MAKE HIS ENEMIES TO BE AT PEACE WITH HIM'.The scriptures cannot be broken.
America's solutions is in turning to God, repentance backed with actions.Return prayers to schools, bibles to courts, let the fear of God guide the nation, the states.
Giving aprovals to homosexuals and other vices make the US an enemy to God and the US can not win against God.Return to Righteousness America
I got some quotes from some past american leaders and its so much of a surprise what this great nation has turned to be.See it in the part 2 of this post.
The answer is principally not in Mc Cain, Not Obama, Not the political parties,$700b bail out will only work if God approves of it.
There is no point in increasing your speed when you have missed the way.Selah
Without doubt the greatest nation on earth today.Honestly speaking, I love the United states,not because of visa lottery:), but because the american nation have to a great extent not abused power.Imagine Adolf Hitler with the atomic bomb during world war 2.
America, the land of the free, founded on the premise of Equality under the law.God bless America.A nation that will always be behind Isreal -God's people.No wonder the nation had seen so much prosperity.Enviable fore fathers, John Adam, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln,Thmas Jefferson, Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
They all laid a solid foundation for the united states, more importantly to always follow God's law if prosperity is to endure.
But what have we seen today, a totally different United states.
I have heard it that prayers are no longer allowed in schools.Well i really dont know the extent until sunday evening while watching Inspiration TV.I was shocked.
A lady giving a speech on her graduation day, as soon as she mentioned the name Jesus, the microfone was turned off and she was asked to step aside.Dont mention that name here.UNITED STATE OF AMERICA, GOD'S OWN COUNTRY.
Issues every where, legalizing or not Abortion, Homosexuality, broken family values, pornography etc.Is this the United states, that my dad went in 1975 and I have read a lot about.
The United states is at a crossroad, a defining moment now, the elections are around the corner.
But I stop to ask, is Mc Cain the answer, oh maybe Barack Obama both who I respect.
I feel the present econimic failure in the US is more spiritual than physical.God has been warning america for years now-Return to God America
9/11 did not wake the people up, hurricane katrina, Ike, gustav, fires of california etc.
I hope the american people can read the handwrittings on the wall.Well, it can be said the Middle east nations hate the US.I agree.But does not the Bible say 'IF A MAN'S WAY PLEASE GOD, HE WILL MAKE HIS ENEMIES TO BE AT PEACE WITH HIM'.The scriptures cannot be broken.
America's solutions is in turning to God, repentance backed with actions.Return prayers to schools, bibles to courts, let the fear of God guide the nation, the states.
Giving aprovals to homosexuals and other vices make the US an enemy to God and the US can not win against God.Return to Righteousness America
I got some quotes from some past american leaders and its so much of a surprise what this great nation has turned to be.See it in the part 2 of this post.
The answer is principally not in Mc Cain, Not Obama, Not the political parties,$700b bail out will only work if God approves of it.
There is no point in increasing your speed when you have missed the way.Selah
Career tip
So popular is the word that many just have jobs and not career. Career I believe is a means of livelihood, that gives a man or woman fulfillment, sense of contribution and relevance. To move from success to significance in life, you must be in a right career and not just a job.
Many young graduates leave school in search of a job much more than a career. At the end, such a life is filled with frustrations and complaints. I am sure you’ve heard this many times, How did I get myself here, I am only in this job because of the money, If I can just do this now, I will resign immediately. Career is a lifetime vocation, we don’t resign, we don’t retire. Career is a life spent solving problems, adding values, using your creativity to make this world a better place.
What differentiates a career from a job? Mostly , it’s the motive of the individual. If all you’re saying is ‘I just want to get a job, I want a high paying job, let me earn a fat salary e.t.c. Most likely you will end up with a job and not a career. You might say, is money now irrelevant? I am not saying that, money is relevant but don’t place the cart before the horse.
I got this research result and it was revealing
Authors Robert J Kriegel and Louis Patler cite a study of 1,500 people over twenty years that shows how passion makes a significant difference in a person’s career:
At the outset of the study, the group was divided into Group A, 83 percent of the sample, who were embarking on a career chosen for the prospects of making money now in order to do what they wanted later, and Group B, the other 17 percent of the sample, who had chosen their career path for the reverse reason, they were going to pursue what they wanted to do now and worry about the money later.
The data showed some startling revelations
At the end of the 20 years, 101 of the 1500 had become millionaires
Of the millionaires, all but one—100 out of 101 --- were from Group B, the group that had chosen to pursue what they loved.
This is not to say resign if you don’t love your job, but just to say tailor your career in the path of your greatest strength and love.
Furthermore, its never to late to chart a course for your life. There is no use of speed when a man has missed the right way. Increasing your speed in the wrong directions leads to more frustration.
For young graduates, tailor your work experience in the line of your career which is simply embedded in what you love doing. Does a man retire in what he loves doing, do we resign from such ventures. NO.
In case you are still wondering, how then do I start my career? I am already in another field, how do I start. Watch out for my next post on ways to jump start your career .
Above all, discover that which you love, ensure it s a blessing to humanity; ensure it what God approves of .i.e. void of evil, dishonesty and fraud.
See you next time
Monday, October 13, 2008
Today matters
One of the greatest mysteries of mankind is our concern for the future while taking light of our present
If I may ask you
What are your future desires
Where do you want to be in the next 5-10 years
How financially buoyant do you want to be in 3 years time
How do you see yourself at age 45-50
I am sure we’ve got a lot to say. Good
But if I ask, tell me 10 things you’re constructively doing today that is gradually making that future a reality.
The way you live today impacts your tomorrow. Its late for yesterday and you cant depend on tomorrow.
Live today like it matters. Because it does.
There are people you'll never even know who will be influenced by what you do today. So give this day your attention, your love, your very best.
There are ways that you cannot now imagine in which your own life will be influenced by the way you live this day. So live it with integrity, enthusiasm and an eye for the positive possibilities.
The world in which you live will be affected by the way you make use of this day. So fill your moments with thankfulness, imagination and joy.
Today matters, and right now you have the chance to make it matter in a most positive and fulfilling way. Today is the day when your life is lived, and many things in your life will be determined by what you do with today.
If you take this whole day for granted, it will leave you with nothing but regret. Yet it does not have to be that way. Live today like it matters, for now is when you truly can.
The only adequate preparation for tomorrow is the right use of today.
Be a better person.
If I may ask you
What are your future desires
Where do you want to be in the next 5-10 years
How financially buoyant do you want to be in 3 years time
How do you see yourself at age 45-50
I am sure we’ve got a lot to say. Good
But if I ask, tell me 10 things you’re constructively doing today that is gradually making that future a reality.
The way you live today impacts your tomorrow. Its late for yesterday and you cant depend on tomorrow.
Live today like it matters. Because it does.
There are people you'll never even know who will be influenced by what you do today. So give this day your attention, your love, your very best.
There are ways that you cannot now imagine in which your own life will be influenced by the way you live this day. So live it with integrity, enthusiasm and an eye for the positive possibilities.
The world in which you live will be affected by the way you make use of this day. So fill your moments with thankfulness, imagination and joy.
Today matters, and right now you have the chance to make it matter in a most positive and fulfilling way. Today is the day when your life is lived, and many things in your life will be determined by what you do with today.
If you take this whole day for granted, it will leave you with nothing but regret. Yet it does not have to be that way. Live today like it matters, for now is when you truly can.
The only adequate preparation for tomorrow is the right use of today.
Be a better person.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Select your direction
Your destination depends not on where you are but on which way you go. Your result depends not on what has happened, and not on what you have, but on what you do with it all.
From here, you can go anywhere. There are pathways leading in every direction
What matters now is which of those pathways you choose. What matters now is the next step you take.
Give yourself permission to decide what you truly desire for your life and for your world. And know that there is a way , right now, to begin creating it.
When your thoughts and actions have a clear, specific purpose, each moment will carry you closer to the fulfillment of that purpose. When you move consistently in a chosen direction, you cant help but reach the destination you choose.
Lovingly, thoughtfully and carefully select your direction today. You are always moving towards something consciously or unconsciously, so make that something exactly what you wish.
Never leave your life direction to chance.
The greatest thing in this world is not so much where we are, but which direction we are going.
In life, its so good to be on the flying mode, but if you cant fly then run. If you can’t run, then walk. If you now can’t walk, then crawl.
Worst case, make progress.
God bless
From here, you can go anywhere. There are pathways leading in every direction
What matters now is which of those pathways you choose. What matters now is the next step you take.
Give yourself permission to decide what you truly desire for your life and for your world. And know that there is a way , right now, to begin creating it.
When your thoughts and actions have a clear, specific purpose, each moment will carry you closer to the fulfillment of that purpose. When you move consistently in a chosen direction, you cant help but reach the destination you choose.
Lovingly, thoughtfully and carefully select your direction today. You are always moving towards something consciously or unconsciously, so make that something exactly what you wish.
Never leave your life direction to chance.
The greatest thing in this world is not so much where we are, but which direction we are going.
In life, its so good to be on the flying mode, but if you cant fly then run. If you can’t run, then walk. If you now can’t walk, then crawl.
Worst case, make progress.
God bless
What are you doing now?
Yes, I ask, what are you doing now in preparation for the future? Most of us if not all desires a great future. Wants to be rich, wealthy, healthy, influential, comfortable, financially independent, the list is endless.
One truth stand out, wishes are not enough to experience these beauties of life. No one ever achieved these things without earning them. Earning is the word I choose to use. Earning is a product of work done.
What work are you doing today to enjoy these beauties in the nearest future? We leave most of the things in our lives to chance, one day one day I hope I will be this and that. Wake up friends, it will never happen. Smell a coffee, shine your eyes.
Recession, recession, every where. Bail out plans everywhere. I wont be surprised if some erudite start delivering lectures on how to have a successful bail out , just like those years of mergers and acquisition.
What am I driving at, take your destiny in your hands.Contrary winds will always blow in this life of ours. If you know where you are going, all you need do is alter your sail to favour your destination. But what of if you don’t even know where you’re going, then you will need a BAIL OUT.
This is my bail out plan. Plan ahead, anticipate untoward circumstances, they will surely come and I can bet 99%, it will be unannounced.
Noah built the ark before the flood waters came. Are you building your ark now before the flood waters come? Your financial ark, health ark, relationship ark, integrity ark, intellectual ark, academic ark etc.
If a man takes no thought of the distant future, he will soon find sorrow very near. We have got only one life, and this is it.
Yesterday is a TOMB, Tomorrow is a WOMB, and today is reality. You’ve got influence over today.
Five years from now, I congratulate you in advance for what you would have been responsible for—the outcomes of you life.
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